Frequently Asked Questions

What’s Flow with the Seasons?

It’s a menstrual journalling app which helps people with periods Sync with their Cycle and Live Hormoniously™.

What does Live Hormoniously™ mean?

It means to live in harmony (harmoniously) with our hormones i.e. making lifestyle choices and necessary adjustments to keep our hormones balanced.

What does Sync with my Cycle mean?

It’s about embracing our innate energy cycles (which are dictated by our hormones) and working with them, instead of against them.

For example, it’s typical to experience fatigue during menstruation so building in plenty of rest and solo retreat time is important. It’s common to experience high energy during the ovulation phase, so scheduling social and networking events during this time will help make them feel effortless.

I don’t menstruate, how can I Sync with my Cycle?

You may still experience a hormone cycle. - even post-menopause.

However, we recommend using the Moon to guide your cycle:

  • Spring (follicular phase) - Waxing moon

  • Summer (ovulation) - Full moon

  • Autumn (luteal) - Waning moon

  • Winter (menstruation) - New moon