
Hey, I’m Jade, Founder of Flow with the Seasons - a menstrual journalling app empowering people with periods to sync with their cycle and Live Hormoniously™

I’ve been meticulously tracking my period since 2020.

However, it wasn’t until I started a daily journalling practice guided by my menstrual cycle that I began to notice patterns in my mood, behaviour and energy levels which coincided with each phase of my cycle.

This realisation was a turning point for me.

If my moods and symptoms could be attributed to my fluctuating hormones then it meant I had the power to overcome them by making lifestyle adjustments to support my endocrine system.

It also helped me to isolate non-hormone-related conditions and issues, and bring awareness to unhelpful behavioural habits (and consequences) which enabled me to make more informed decisions and seek out suitable support.

It made me more intentional about what I was putting into and onto my body.

And led me to proactively organise my personal and professional life to optimise my natural, innate energy cycles (aka Sync with my Cycle).

Getting to know my cycle and honouring the unique gifts of each phase has been truly transformational for my wellbeing and productivity!

How it started

I began tracking my cycle with pen and paper because I wanted to record custom data and journal without the distraction of the fertility focus of the period tracking apps currently on the market.

I’m now on a mission to digitise it to benefit from the in-depth analysis and AI-powered predictive insights that only digital can offer.

And so, the idea for the Flow app was conceived.

My vision

I see a future where people with periods work with, instead of against, their menstrual cycle - in their personal and professional lives.

A world where employers also recognise and make reasonable adjustments to accommodate this (knowing that their teams will be happier and more productive for it!)

Where girls and AFABs are educated about their hormones, the impact of their lifestyle on their reproductive health, and how to support and sync with their cycle - all before they experience their first period.

The future of health

Women’s (which includes AFABs) health is beginning to be taken more seriously - attracting increasing investment globally - and I see Flow with the Seasons supporting this by helping to change the conversation around periods and hormones and the impact that our menstrual cycle has upon our daily lives.

I want to empower others to take ownership of their mental and physical health by helping them get to know their menstrual cycle better and Live Hormoniously™.

And I would love for you to join me on this journey.

Jade x
